Month: August 2003

  • If you know what the SCO scam is, you might find this humorous. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, move on, nothing interesting here.

  • All hail the magical, invisible pink elephant!

    Whenever I get frustrated with Christians, it’s time to pull out the invisible pink elephant. It’s almost as effective as the “step out in front of an oncoming semi and pray/wish/pretend that it goes away” line.

  • I have a feeling the terrorist to blame here is called “incompetence.” Bill O’Reilly: “’s a natural occurence..a shame this stuff has to happen…” Has to happen? Just like terrorism, huh?

  • Prostitution vs. Organized Religion

    My Heinlein quote did not go unnoticed. I was challenged on Hobbes, a local forum, to defend the charge that religion is the “oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history.” As if I didn’t have better things to do, I stayed up half the night writing a 3000 word response on the topic…

  • Damn, I look good!

  • "Missile-smuggling plot"? What plot?

    God knows, I’m all for blowing to hell any terrorist fuckers than want to mess with the U.S. of A. However I suspect that this latest "missile-smuggling plot" is basically a PR stunt by the FBI, perhaps motivated by the upcoming elections. I was watching an interview with a former FBI chief investigator, and listened…

  • Men everywhere should mark this day. Women…well, they have one less excuse.

  • While you wouldn’t guess it on campus, Texas A&M really does have an active fundamentalist population. Depending on how you look at it, it’s either scary, silly, or plain stupid how seriously these guys take their fantasies. Some of them are quite intelligent, but debating Objectivism with them, I’ve realized that they’re quite hopeless. In…

  • Three Proofs Against the Existence of God

    I was feeling argumentative tonight, so I started a debate on God at the TexAgs forum. This post is mostly for my use in some future debate, but check out my arguments if you care to. Edit: I realized that my arguments have some major flaws. While true, the background knowledge required to understand the…

  • The first GI action figure of a U.S. president?

    The George W. Bush Elite Force Aviator Action Figure, coming to a toy store near you! (Thanks, Tim)