Month: July 2002

  • Web Stuff

    I redesigned Laurel’s Site for a totally new look and posted a totally new site, based on my INFO 209 Project, “A guide to compression for the Web“ Check out Laurel’s Sitebeforeandafter! Also, I am working on a new essay (several essays actually) called “Politics for the Unitiated”A draft of its beginning’s is currently up…

  • Listserv: Liberals as Irrational, Religious Zealots…

      For entertainment’s sake allow me to take on your accusations about “Libertarianism” being a religion and in fact posit that it is YOUR socialist/leftist/anti-capitalist ideology that is not only religious in nature, but is in fact a dogmatic, faith-based, feel-good ideology that closely resembles the organized religion which we both reject. I would very…