Category: General

  • Arbitration denied

    I have been following the status of the legal legitimacy of arbitration for several years and I don’t like this ruling one bit. The implications are clear, as both Thomas and Dieteman mention, and I have a feeling this is only the beginning. I have been dreading just this ruling for a long time, and…

  • And so it begins…

    [DRUDGE]Bureaucratic Infighting Said To Have Stalled Airport Security EffortAlmost a year after the Bush administration promised a nationwide drive to tighten airport security, such efforts are being stymied by poor coordination among federal agencies and a lack of clear-cut technical requirements, said executives of aerospace and defense companies seeking to land government contracts. The WALL…

  • Censorship, etc

    Check this out: 07/22/borderless.internet.ap/index.html “Police in Italy didn’t care that five Web sites they deemed blasphemous and thus illegal were located in the United States, where First Amendment protections apply. The police shut them down anyway in early July, simply by sitting down at the alleged offender’s Rome computer. ” Yes, blasphemy is illegal…

  • SC Report

    The Center for the Moral Defense of Capitalism posted a “Supreme CourtYear in Review” for 2002 outlining decisions relevant to issues of individual rights. Interestingly, the court sided for individual rights in 55% of the cases, with Clarence Thomas (not suprisingly, my favorite justice) voting 75% for freedom. So is 55% a positive trend? Yes,…

  • Yay!

    I got A’s in my INFO and Logic classes! (Big suprize, huh?) In other news, I compiled a Linux kernel and the associated OS from scratch at work over the last two days…fun stuff, only I need to be studying for the GRE instead of playing with computers…. oh, and I got up before class…

  • The first summer session is almost over!

    I finished my swimming class today, and I’ve really improved over the last few months, from dog paddling back and forth in the water to finally getting my freestyle technique down, learning how to do flip turns, and generally not looking totally incompetent in the water anymore. I was afraid of failing it when I…

  • Quote

    I found a quote I like on the web, which sumarizes my philosophy pretty well:“What is is. Perceive it. Integrate it honestly. Act on it. Idealize it.”

  • Web Stuff

    I redesigned Laurel’s Site for a totally new look and posted a totally new site, based on my INFO 209 Project, “A guide to compression for the Web“ Check out Laurel’s Sitebeforeandafter! Also, I am working on a new essay (several essays actually) called “Politics for the Unitiated”A draft of its beginning’s is currently up…

  • Before They Were Part II…

    By Francisco Rangel Famous movie characters weren’t always comedians, knights or scary little kids. They were pizza delivery guys, garbage collectors and even tech support. Jerry Seinfeld from Seinfeld Customer: I bought a 256MB DIMM from your company last week…. Seinfeld: Did it come in a bag? One of those bags that look like airplane…

  • Economics

    In other news, I am reading Human Action and it’s AWESOME! Mises explains the intricacies of economics as clearly as Hazzlit explains its basics and Rand explains philosophy. I’ve just started the book, but I’ve been highlighting practically ever other sentence as a quote to add to my list….. Oh, and I got a 100…