Category: Uncategorized

  • A Policy Proposal for Economic Reform in Russia

      Despite making a recovery after the 1998 market crash, Russia remains weighted with numerous holdovers from the Communist era that keep its economy from taking advantage of free-market reforms. In short, Russia has not prospered under capitalism because it has not yet discovered it. In order to do so, the Russian government must engage…

  • Listserv: Liberals as Irrational, Religious Zealots…

      For entertainment’s sake allow me to take on your accusations about “Libertarianism” being a religion and in fact posit that it is YOUR socialist/leftist/anti-capitalist ideology that is not only religious in nature, but is in fact a dogmatic, faith-based, feel-good ideology that closely resembles the organized religion which we both reject. I would very…

  • Listserv: Witch Doctors vs. the Creators

    Cavemen first decided to believe in gods and spirits because they had no other means to explain their world, and witch doctors and shamans quickly seized the chance go gain power by exploiting their fear of the world and offering a comforting but false view of the world. Throughout the ages, these witch doctors have…

  • Identity Issues Final Exam

    April 30, 2002 (This was written for my “Identity Issues in America” political science class, and while I think multiculturalism is inherently a racist idea, if you’re going to write about it, might as well do it well.) POLS 306 FINAL EXAM DAVID V. April 30, 2002   Question One: Geoffrey Fox argues that the…

  • Notes: My OAC and IHS Essays — My life goals, major influences, etc..

    IHS: A list of the five intellectual figures or books that have most influenced your philosophical and political thinking, and a single sentence for each stating how it has influenced you. Free to Choose – This book was my first introduction to free market concepts and the harmful effects of government regulation and intervention Murray…

  • The Moral and Economic Basis of Government

    November 27, 2001 POLS 475 Essay #2 by David Veksler Topic: When does “big government” become too big? The Moral and Economic Basis of Government.   Throughout the last decade, “Big Government” has been frequently denounced by Republicans and Democrats alike, especially after the term was popularized by President Reagan in the 1980’s and Clinton…

  • Listserv: How I Discovered Selfishness

    October 8, 2001 How I Discovered Selfishness From: David Veksler <webmaster@c…> Date: Mon Oct 8, 2001 12:14 am Subject: PHIL class response/Reaction to reaction to someone’s reaction/My Life’s Story/Command vs Autonomous Ethical Theory So, Unlike some of the “simple, sheltered minds” here, I’ve given my morality and philosophy a lot of thought for as long…

  • When should government promote or assist private business?

    Monday, September 24, 2001 When should government promote or assist private business? POLS 475 Essay #1 by David Veksler Never. That is the short answer, and it is a substantial claim considering the plethora of subsidies and financial support given to business by the federal and state governments today. There are several reasons why government…