Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Faith is emotionalism, Part 2: Perception versus Emotion

    (This is the second part of selections from a Facebook debate.  Part 1 is here.) Introduction: The key to my disagreement with the theist hinges on the question of “Can we know God?” or “Can have knowledge of the supernatural?”  The theist says yes, we use both experience and the “sensus divinitatus” to acquire knowledge…

  • Faith is emotionalism, Part 1: Epistemology

    (In the next few posts, I’m going to re-post selections from a Facebook debate:) Many apologetics claim that their faith is based on reason and evidence. In fact faith is just a kind of emotionalism. Two analogies: Suppose you decided to base your knowledge of reality on the result of dart throws. Whenever you have…

  • "Free-speech" is for collectivists

    Image via Wikipedia It is a serious mistake to use the term “free speech” as a noun – as if it were an entity distinct from “non-free” speech. This error comes from the premise that certain (politically-correct) ideological speech should not be regulated, but other kinds of speech may.  The origin of idea is the…

  • On Jury Nullification

    Image via Wikipedia I have jury duty tomorrow morning, so I thought I would share some thoughts on the moral and contractual obligations of a juror: A trial is, or ought to be, a fact-finding process, conducted in order to determine whether pre-existing legal principles are applicable to a specific case.  It should not be…

  • Why you can’t pick and choose from your holy books

    A 12 year old girl in Saudi Arabia is seeking a divorce from her 80 year old husband. (Girls as young as 8 are regularly sold to and raped all over the Middle East and North Africa- 77 percent in Niger.) Saudi clerics and judges are defending the marriage on the basis that the Prophet…

  • What is a corporation?

    Following this week’s Supreme Court ruling, there is much confusion about what legal rights a corporation has and how it is different from other groups: In a free society, any person has the right to associate with any other person by mutual consent. As long as both parties consent to their transaction, no third party…

  • Swiss Steak with Venison

    Deer Swiss Steak Ingredients 2 lb. deer round or chuck steak 1/2 c. flour (seasoned with 1/2 tsp. salt and pepper) 1/4 c. vegetable oil 1 med. onion (chopped) 2 carrots (fine chopped or grated) 1 (#303) can sliced stewed tomatoes 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce Roux (2 tbsp. flour dissolved in 2 tbsp. melted butter)…

  • Opportunity

    With doubt and dismay your are smitten You think there’s no chance for you, son? Why, the best books haven’t been written The best race hasn’t been run, The best score hasn’t been made yet, The best song hasn’t been sung, The best tune hasn’t been played yet, Cheer up, for the world is young!…

  • The Case Against God

    This is my opening for my debate on the existence of God at tomorrow’s philosophy meetup: 10 minutes is not much time to present an argument against a belief central to the philosophy of the majority of Americans. To show that God isn’t needed, I must not only offer an argument against his existence, but…

  • Five tips for improving your communications skills

    How good are your communication skills? How often do you feel that misunderstandings get in the way of your personal relationships or your career? Do you ever avoid talking to people because you don’t know how to express what you feel, or because you are afraid that you will be misunderstood? What if you could…

Got any book recommendations?