Category: Philosophy

  • Lessons from the Matrix

    I saw the Matrix sequel recently and found it to be about what I expected: a combination of mediocre philosophy thrown in at random and kick-ass digitized kung-fu (aka wire-fu) scenes. While the original was more interesting in terms of "deep thoughts," both movies raise a great number of interesting philosophical questions that can serve…

  • New essay: Modern Art and Visions of Values

    Inspired by Tim’s letter to, I wrote a an essay dedicated to the evils of modern art. Here is the intro: Today’s rant is dedicated to the general and overwhelming mediocrity of “modern art”. No, “mediocre” is too mild a word. Modern art is horrible! Pathetic! Rubbish! It has about as much artistic value…

  • On Sex and Relationships.

    I am well aware that I have very unique, and in fact radical views on just about everything when compared to the rest the world. It is hard enough to find friends who share my views, and even harder to find girls who share enough of my view on life to start a relationship with.…

  • Art

    My art gallery is coming along at — not many images are present yet becuase I am working on the technical side…

  • Listserv: Memorizing vs. Learning

    Being inspired by other people’s ideas and not having any of your own are two very different things. I have many heroes and sources from which I gain inspiration and material to further my own ideas and actions, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The key difference between the copy-cat and the independent thinker is…